Airports: EBB to EBU

(Airports collected: 9190)

EBB : Entebbe (Entebbe, Uganda)
EBD : El Obeid (El Obeid, Sudan)
EBG : El Bagre (El Bagre, Colombia)
EBJ : Esbjerg (Esbjerg, Denmark)
EBM : El Borma (El Borma, Tunisia)
EBN : Ebadon (Ebadon, Marshall Islands)
EBO : Ebon Airport (Ebon, Marshall Islands)
EBR : Downtown (Baton Rouge, LA, USA)
EBS : Municipal (Webster City, IA, USA)
EBU : Boutheon (St Etienne, France)

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Next : Ebolowa, East Tawas, MI, Elizabeth City, NC, Echuca, Ercan, El Encanto, El Charco, Newcastle, WY, Edna Bay, AK, Eldebba
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