Animal Idioms: A little bird told me to A sacred cow

(Animal Idioms collected: 209)

A little bird told me
A loan shark
A lone wolf
A magpie
A paper tiger
A pretty kettle of fish
A rare bird
A red herring
A road hog
A sacred cow

Suggest an animal idiom for this list. Contact : SanjeevDotNet at gmail dot com :
Next : A scapegoat, A sitting duck, A whale of a time, A wild goose chase, Ants in one's pants, As happy as a flea in a doghouse, As happy as a lark, As proud as a peacock, As the crow flies, Back the wrong horse
Previous : A cock-and-bull story, A cool cat, A dark horse, A dead duck, A dog and pony show, A dog in the manger, A fat cat, A flea market, A lame duck, A leopard cannot change its spots
Index : Sanjeev.NET : Trivia