Animal Idioms: Knee-high to a grasshopper to Like a red rag to a bull

(Animal Idioms collected: 209)

Knee-high to a grasshopper
Lead a dog's life
Let sleeping dogs lie
Let the cat out of the bag
Like a bat out of hell
Like a bull in a china shop
Like a cat on hot bricks
Like a drowned rat
Like a moth to a flame
Like a red rag to a bull

Suggest an animal idiom for this list. Contact : SanjeevDotNet at gmail dot com :
Next : Like herding cats, Like rats deserting a sinking ship, Like the fox guarding the chicken coop, Like water off a duck's back, Lion-hearted, Live high off the hog, Lock the stable door after the horse has bolted, Look like something the cat dragged in, Looked like the cat that ate the canary, Love me, love my dog
Previous : Horseplay, Hungry as a bear, If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas, In the doghouse, In the lion's den, In two shakes of a lamb's tail, Kangaroo court, Keep the wolf from the door, Kill the goose that lays the golden egg, Kill two birds with one stone
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