Animal Idioms: Nine lives of a cat to Playing cat and mouse

(Animal Idioms collected: 209)

Nine lives of a cat
No room to swing a cat
Not the only fish in the sea
Other fish to fry
Packed like sardines
Pig out
Pigs might fly
Plain as the hump on a camel
Play possum
Playing cat and mouse

Suggest an animal idiom for this list. Contact : SanjeevDotNet at gmail dot com :
Next : Pull a rabbit out of a hat, Put a bug in someone's ear, Put on the dog, Put the cart before the horse, Raining cats and dogs, Rat race, Separate the sheep from the goats, Set a cat among the pigeons, Shed crocodile's tears, Sick as a dog
Previous : Mad as a hornet, Mad as March hare, Make a beeline for, Make a monkey of, Make a mountain out of a molehill, Make a pig's ear of, Mole-eyed, Monkey business, Monkey see, monkey do, More than one way to skin a cat
Index : Sanjeev.NET : Trivia