Murphys Laws: Parkinson's Law of Medical Research to Pastore's Truths

(Murphy's Laws collected: 1583)

Parkinson's Law of Medical Research : Successful research attracts the bigger grant which makes further research impossible.
Parkinson's Law of the Telephone : The effectiveness of a telephone conversation is in inverse proportion to the time spent on it.
Parkinson's Law of 1000 : An enterprise employing more than 1000 people becomes a self-perpetuating empire, creating so much internal work that it no longer needs any contact with the outside world.
Parkinson's Principle of Non-Origination : It is the essence of grantsmanship to persuade the Foundation executives that it was THEY who suggested the research project and that you were a belated convert, agreeing reluctantly to all they had proposed.
Mrs. Parkinson's Law : Heat produced by pressure expands to fill the mind available, from which it can pass only to a cooler mind.
Parson's Laws : If you break a cup or plate, it will not be the one that was already chipped or cracked.
Parson's Laws : A place you want to get to is always just off the edge of the map you happen to have handy.
Parson's Laws : A meeting lasts at least 1 1/2 hours however short the agenda.
Dolly Parton's Principle : The bigger they are, the harder it is to see your shoes.
Pastore's Truths : Even paranoids have enemies.

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Next : Pastore's Truths, Pastore's Truths, Patricks's Theorem, Patton's Law, Paturi Principle, Paturi Principle Corollary, Paul Principle, Paul's Law, Paulg's Law, Peck's Programming Postulates
Previous : Parkin's Law of Irritation, Parkinson's Axioms, Parkinson's Axioms, Parkinson's First Law, Parkinson's Second Law, Parkinson's Third Law, Parkinson's Fourth Law, Parkinson's Fifth Law, Parkinson's Sixth Law, Parkinson's Law of Delay
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See Also : Sanjeev.NET : Word Play