Top 100 SAT Words : arid to compassion

11. arid : (adj) extremely dry or deathly boring
12. assiduous : (adj) persistent, hard-working
13. asylum : (n) sanctuary, shelter, place of refuge
14. benevolent : (adj) friendly and helpful
15. camaraderie : (n) trust, sociability amongst friends
16. censure : (v) to criticize harshly
17. circuitous : (adj) indirect, taking the longest route
18. clairvoyant : (adj) exceptionally insightful, able to foresee the future
19. collaborate : (v) to cooperate, work together
20. compassion : (n) sympathy, helpfulness or mercy
Next : compromise, condescending, conditional, conformist, congregation, convergence, deleterious, demagogue, digression, diligent
Previous : abbreviate, abstinence, adulation, adversity, aesthetic, amicable, anachronistic, anecdote, anonymous, antagonist
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