Top 100 SAT Words : discredit to exasperation

31. discredit : (v) to harm the reputation of, dishonor or disgrace
32. disdain : (v) to regard with scorn or contempt
33. divergent : (adj) separating, moving in different directions from a particular point
34. empathy : (n) identification with the feelings of others
35. emulate : (v) to imitate, follow an example
36. enervating : (adj) weakening, tiring
37. enhance : (v) to improve, bring to a greater level of intensity
38. ephemeral : (adj) momentary, transient, fleeting
39. evanescent : (adj) quickly fading, short-lived, esp. an image
40. exasperation : (n) irritation, frustration
Next : exemplary, extenuating, florid, fortuitous, frugal, hackneyed, haughty, hedonist, hypothesis, impetuous
Previous : compromise, condescending, conditional, conformist, congregation, convergence, deleterious, demagogue, digression, diligent
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