Top 1000 SAT Words : abase to abject

1. abase : to humiliate, degrade
2. abate : to reduce, lessen
3. abdicate : to give up a position, usually one of leadership
4. abduct : to kidnap, take by force
5. aberration : something that differs from the norm
6. abet : to aid, help, encourage
7. abhor : to hate, detest
8. abide : (verb) to put up with
9. abide : (verb) to remain
10. abject : (adjective) wretched, pitiful
Next : abjure, abnegation, abort, abridge, abridge, abrogate, abscond, absolution, abstain, abstruse
Previous : wistful, wizened, wrath, yoke, zealous, zenith, zephyr
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