Ba to Bab Baba to Babe Babehood to Babion Babiroussa to Baboonery Baboonish to Babyhouse Babying to Babyship Bac to Bacchanalian Bacchanalianism to Bacchius Bacchus to Bachelorism Bachelor's button to Back Back door to Backboard Backbond to Back-fire Backfriend to Backing Backjoint to Backsaw Backset to Backslider Backsliding to Backsword Backward to Backwoodsmen Backworm to Bacteriologist Bacteriology to Bacule Baculine to Bade Badge to Badiaga Badian to Baetulus Baff to Bag Bag net to Bagging Baggy to Baguette Bagwig to Baignoire Bail to Bailiffwick Bailing to Bairam Bairn to Baked Baked-meat to Bakistre Baksheesh to Balancement Balancer to Balaustine Balayeuse to Bald eagle Baldachin to Baldpated Baldrib to Balefully Balefulness to Balker Balking to Balladry Ballahoo to Ballet Ball-flower to Balloon fish Ballooned to Ballotation Balloted to Balmily Balmoral to Balopticon Balotade to Balter Baltic to Bamboo Bamboozle to Banana solution Banat to Bandaging Bandala to Banderilla Banderillero to Banditti Bandle to Bandrol Bandy to Banging Bangle to Banjorine Bank to Bankeress Banking to Banned Banner to Banqueted Banqueting to Banteng Banter to Banzai Baobab to Baptistical Baptistry to Bar iron Baraca to Barbados Barbaic to Barbarizing Barbarous to Barbecuing Barbed to Barberry Barbet to Barbiton Barbituric acid to Barde Barded to Barebacked Barebone to Barehead Bareheaded to Bargain Bargained to Bargeman Bargemastter to Baritone Barium to Barkentine Barker to Barleybreak Barley-bree to Barn Barnabite to Baroko Barology to Baron Baronage to Baroque Baroscope to Barrack Barraclade to Barratrous Barratry to Barren Barrenly to Barricado Barrier to Barrowist Barrulet to Bartery Barth to Barycentric Baryphony to Basal-nerved Basalt to Base Base viol to Baseless Basely to Bashfully Bashfulness to Basic steel Basicerite to Basihyal Basihyoid to Basilicas Basilicok to Basion Basipodite to Basket Basket ball to Basque Basquish to Basset Basset horn to Bassoonist Basso-relievo to Bastardize Bastardized to Bastinadoes Bastinadoing to Bat Bat printing to Bateau Bateaux to Bath Bathe to Baths Bathybius to Batmen Batoidei to Batsmen Bat's-wing to Batteler Batten to Battering-ram Battery to Battlement Battlemented to Battuta Batty to Baudrick Bauk to Bavin Bawbee to Bawdy Bawdyhouse to Bawson Baxter to Bay yarn Baya to Baybolt Bayed to Bayous Bays to Be- Beach to Beaconing Beaconless to Beadroll Beadsman to Beakhead Beakiron to Beamful Beamily to Bean trefoil Bear to Beardless Beardlessness to Bearishness Bearn to Beasthood Beastings to Beatific Beatifical to Beau ideal Beau monde to Beauseant Beauship to Beautiless Beauty to Bebirine Bebleed to Became Becard to Beche de mer Bechic to Beckoning Beck's scale to Becoming Becomingly to Bed rock Bed screw to Bedashed Bedashing to Bedchamber Bedclothes to Bedeguar Bedehouse to Bedevilled Bedevilling to Bedgown Bedight to Bedlamite Bedmaker to Bedpost Bedquilt to Bedrid Bedridden to Bedspread Bedstaff to Beducked Beduin to Bedyeing Bee to Beechy Bee-eater to Beeld Beelzebub to Beestings Beeswax to Beetlehead Beetle-headed to Befell Befit to Befool Befooled to Befriend Befriended to Began Begat to Beggared Beggarhood to Beggestere Begging to Begirded Begirding to Begohm Begone to Begrimer Begriming to Beguiling Beguin to Behaving Behavior to Behete Behight to Beholdingness Behoof to Behowl Beige to Bejewelled Bejewelling to Belaboring Bel-accoyle to Belating Belaud to Beldam Beldame to Belee Beleft to Belgic Belgravian to Believed Believer to Belive Belk to Bell system of control Belladonna to Belletristic Belletristical to Bellied Bellies to Bellon Bellona to Belluine Bellwether to Belly-god Bellying to Belooche Beloochee Belord to Belted Beltein to Belzebuth Bema to Bemeeting Bemet to Bemoaner Bemoaning to Ben Ben nut to Benching Bend to Bene placito Beneaped to Benedictive Benedictory to Beneficeless Beneficence to Beneficiate Beneficient to Benetted Benevolence to Benighted Benighting to Benitier Benjamin to Benthamism Benthamite to Benzamide Benzene to Benzoline Benzonaphthol to Beplaster Beplastered to Bepuffed Bepurple to Bequote Berain to Berber Berberine to Bereaving. Bereft to Bergmeal Bergmote to Berime Bering Sea Controversy to Bernardine Bernese to Berrying Berseem to Berthing Bertillon system to Besaint Besant to Bescumber Bescummer to Beseeming Beseemly to Beshow Beshrew to Besieging Besit to Besmear Besmeared to Besmutting Besnow to Besotted Besotting to Bespattering Bespawl to Bespirt Bespit to Bespreading Besprent to Bestain Bestar to Bestializing Bestially to Bestow Bestowal to Bestrewed Bestrewing to Bestudded Bestudding to Betaken Betaking to Bethabara wood Bethel to Bethump Bethumped to Betitle Betoken to Betoss Betossed to Betrim Betrimmed to Betso Betted to Bettor Betty to Bevel Bevel gear to Bevies Bevile to Bewailment Bewake to Bewig Bewigged to Bewitched Bewitchedness to Bewray Bewrayed to Beyond Bezant to Bezpopovtsy Bezzle to Bi- Biacid to Bias Biased to Bibasic Bibb to Bible Bibler to Bibliographical Bibliographies to Bibliomaniac Bibliomaniacal to Bibliopolar Bibliopole to Bibliothecal Bibliothecary to Bicameral Bicapsular to Bicentennial Bicephalous to Bicker Bickered to Bicolored Biconcave to Bicrenate Bicrescentic to Bicyclism Bicyclist to Biddery ware Bidding to Bidigitate Biding to Bifacial Bifarious to Biflorate Biflorous to Biformed Biformity to Big Bend State Biga to Bigential Bigeye to Bigha Bighorn to Bigotedly Bigotry to Bike Bikh to Bilander Bilateral to Bile Bilection to Bilifuscin Bilimbi to Bilinguous Bilious to Bilking bill to Billbug Billed to Billhook Billiard to Billow Billowed to Billycock hat Bilobate to Bimarginate Bimastism to Bimonthly Bimuscular to Bind Binder to Bine Binervate to Binocular Binocularly to Binturong Binuclear to Biogen Biogenesis to Biographical Biographies to Biomagnetic Biomagnetism to Bioplastic Biopsychic to Bipalmate Biparietal to Biped Bipedal to Bipinnatifid Biplane to Bipunctual Bipupillate to Birched Birchen to Birdbolt Birdcage to Birdlet Birdlike to Bird's-foot Bird's-mouth to Birgander Birk to Birring Birrus to Birthnight Birthplace to Biscotin Biscuit to Bisegment Biseptate to Biseye Bish to Bishop's cap Bishop's length to Bismare Bismer to Bismuthous Bismuthyl to Bistort Bistouries to Bit Bitake to Biting in Bitingly to Bitter Bitter spar to Bitternut Bitterroot to Bitts Bitume to Bituminize Bituminized to Bivalvular Bivaulted to Biweekly Biwreye to Black art Black bass to Black lead Black letter to Black wash Black-a-vised to Blackboard Black-browed to Blackening Black-eyed to Blackguarding Blackguardism to Blackleg Black-letter to Blackness Blackpoll to Blackwash Blackwater State to Bladebone Bladed to Blame Blamed to Blancard Blanch to Bland Blandation to Blandishment Blandly to Blanketing Blanking to Blarneyed Blarneying to Blast Blast lamp to Blasting Blastment to Blastoidea Blastomere to Blasty Blat to Blatteration Blattered to Blazing Blazon to Bleached Bleacher to Blear-eyed Bleareyedness to Bleck Bled to Blemishing Blemishless to Blended Blender to Blennogenous Blennorrhea to Blessedness Blesser to Bleynte Blickey to Blind reader Blindage to Blindly Blindman's buff to Blinker Blink-eyed to Blistered Blistering to Blizzard Bloat to Block Block book to Blockage Blocked to Bloedite Blolly to Blood money Blood vessel to Bloodiness Blooding to Bloodshot Blood-shotten to Bloodwood Bloodwort to Bloomary Bloomed to Blore Blosmy to Blotchy Blote to Blouse Blow to Blowing Blown to Blowze Blowzed to Blue Blue bonnet to Bluebill Bluebird to Blue-eyed grass Bluefin to Blueprint Blue-skylaw to Bluff Bluff-bowed to Blunder Blunderbuss to Blunt Blunted to Blurry Blurt to Blushingly Blushless to Bo Bo tree to Boarding Boarfish to Boastingly Boastive to Boatful Boatfuls to Boatswain Boat-tail to Bobbery Bobbin to Bobsled Bobsleigh to Boce Bock beer to Bodeful Bodement to Bodied Bodies to Bodrage Body to Bogeys Boggard to Bogie Bogie engine to Bogy Bohea to Boiler Boilery to Boistous Bojanus organ to Bold-faced Boldly to Boletus Boley to Bolling Bollworm to Bolstered Bolsterer to Boltrope Boltsprit to Bombarded Bombardier to Bombastical Bombastry to Bombolo Bomboloes to Bon ton Bon vivant to Bonapartean Bonapartism to Bond Bond servant to Bondmaid Bondman to Bondwomen Bone to Boneshaw Bonetta to Bonify Boniness to Bonnes bouches Bonnet to Bonny Bonnyclabber to Boobies Booby to Boohooing Book to Bookful Bookholder to Bookless Booklet to Bookselling Bookshelf to Boolies Booly to Boomslange Boon to Boosting Boot to Bootikin Booting to Booze Boozed to Boracous Borage to Bord service Bordage to Bordereau Bordereaux to Bordure Bore to Borer Boric to Boron Borosilicate to Borracho Borrage to Bort Boruret to Bosjesman Bosk to Boson Bosporian to Bossism Bossy to Botanist Botanize to Botargo Botch to Bote Boteless to Both-hands Bothie to Botryolite Botryose to Bottle-nose Bottle-nosed to Bottomry Bottone to Boudoir Bouffe to Bougie Bougie decimale to Boule Boulevard to Bounced Bouncer to Bounding Boundless to Bour Bourbon to Bourgeon Bouri to Bouser Boustorphic to Bovate Bovey coal to Bowbell Bow-bells to Boweled Boweling to Bowery Bowess to Bowl Bowlder to Bowls Bowman to Bowssen Bowstring to Box tail Boxberry to Boxing Boxing day to Boyau Boyaus to Boyhood Boyish to Brabbler Braccate to Brachial Brachiata to Brachycatalectic Brachycephalic to Brachylogy Brachypinacoid to Brachyurous Bracing to Bract Bractea to Brad awl Bradoon to Bragging Braggingly to Brahmanist Brahmans to Braided Braiding to Brainsick Brainsickly to Braky Brama to Bramin Braminic to Branchia Branchiae to Branchiopoda Branchiostegal to Brand goose Brand iron to Brandish Brandished to Brangle Brangled to Branny Bransle to Brasilin Brasque to Brassiere Brassiness to Bravade Bravado to Bravo Bravoes to Brawned Brawner to Brazed Brazen to Brazil nut Brazil wood to Bread Breadbasket to Breadthless Breadthways to Breakdown Breaker to Bream Breamed to Breastheight Breast-high to Breastrope Breastsummer to Breathful Breathing to Breech action Breech pin to Breech-loading Breed to Breezy Bregma to Brennage Brenne to Bret Bretful to Brevet Brevetcies to Breviloquence Breviped to Brewed Brewer to Bribable Bribe to Brickbat Bricked to Brickwork Bricky to Bridecake Bridechamber to Bridewell Bridge to Bridgey Bridging to Briefless Briefly to Brigadier general Brigading to Brighten Brightened to Brike Brill to Brim Brimful to Brindle Brindled to Brink Briny to Bristle Bristled to Brit Britannia to Brittle star Brittlely to Broad Church Broad gauge to Broadened Broadening to Broadpiece Broadseal to Brocaded Brocage to Brock Brocken specter to Broid Broider to Broke Broken to Broker Brokerage to Bromatologist Bromatology to Bromine Bromism to Bromuret Bromyrite to Bronchocele Bronchophony to Brontolith Brontology to Bronzine Bronzing to Brook Brook mint to Broom corn Broom rape to Brotheler Brothelry to Brothers-in-law Brouded to Browed Browless to Browning Brownish to Browsed Browser to Bruin Bruise to Brumal Brume to Brunt Brush to Brushy Brusk to Bruta Brutal to Brute Brutely to Bryologist Bryology to Bub Bubale to Bubby Bubo to Buccinal Buccinator to Buck bean Buck fever to Buckety Buckeye to Buckler-headed Buckling to Buckwheat Bucolic to Buddhistic Budding to Budget Budging to Bufferhead Buffet to Buffo Buffoon to Bug Bugaboo to Bugle Bugle horn to Buhlwork Buhrstone to Bulb Bulbaceous to Bulbous Bulbul to Bulimus Bulimy to Bull brier Bull fly to Bullary Bullate to Bullen-bullen Bullen-nail to Bullfinch Bullfist to Bullirag Bullish to Bull's-eye Bull's-nose to Bulrush Bulse to Bumbailiff Bumbard to Bumkin Bummalo to Bumpkin Bumptious to Bunching Bunchy to Bundobust Bung to Bungling Bunglingly to Bunkoing Bunkum to Bunt Bunter to Buoyancies Buoyancy to Burbot Burdelais to Bureau Bureaucracy to Burg Burgage to Burggrave Burgh to Burglar Burglarer to Burgrave Burgundy to Burke Burked to Burlesquer Burlesquing to Burnable Burned to Burnish Burnished to Burred Burrel to Burrowed Burrower to Bursary Bursch to Burster Bursting to Bus Busbies to Busheling Bushelman to Bushman Bushmen to Businesses Businesslike to Bussing Bust to Busy Busybodies to Butcherly Butcher's broom to Butt shaft Butt weld to Buttered Butter-fingered to Buttermen Buttermilk to Butting joint Buttock to Buttonweed Buttonwood to Butylene Butyraceous to Buxine Buxom to Buzzer Buzzing to By-drinking Bye to Byname By-name to Byre By-respect to Byssi Byssiferous to By-stroke By-turning to Byzantian Byzantine to Byzantine