Vocabulary : Caledonia to Calefy

Caledonia : The ancient Latin name of Scotland; -- still used in poetry.
Caledonian : Of or pertaining to Caledonia or Scotland; Scottish; Scotch. ;; A native or inhabitant of Caledonia or Scotland.
Caledonite : A hydrous sulphate of copper and lead, found in some parts of Caledonia or Scotland.
Calefacient : Making warm; heating. ;; A substance that excites warmth in the parts to which it is applied, as mustard.
Calefaction : The act of warming or heating; the production of heat in a body by the action of fire, or by communication of heat from other bodies. ;; The state of being heated.
Calefactive : See Calefactory.
Calefactor : A heater; one who, or that which, makes hot, as a stove, etc.
Calefactory : Making hot; producing or communicating heat. ;; An apartment in a monastery, warmed and used as a sitting room. ;; A hollow sphere of metal, filled with hot water, or a chafing dish, placed on the altar in cold weather for the priest to warm his hands with.
Calefied : of Calefy
Calefy : To make warm or hot. ;; To grow hot or warm.
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