Vocabulary : Cantalever to Canted

Cantalever : A bracket to support a balcony, a cornice, or the like. ;; A projecting beam, truss, or bridge unsupported at the outer end; one which overhangs.
Cantaloupe : A muskmelon of several varieties, having when mature, a yellowish skin, and flesh of a reddish orange color.
Cantankerous : Perverse; contentious; ugly; malicious.
Cantar : Alt. of Cantarro
Cantarro : A weight used in southern Europe and East for heavy articles. It varies in different localities; thus, at Rome it is nearly 75 pounds, in Sardinia nearly 94 pounds, in Cairo it is 95 pounds, in Syria about 503 pounds. ;; A liquid measure in Spain, ranging from two and a half to four gallons.
Cantata : A poem set to music; a musical composition comprising choruses, solos, interludes, etc., arranged in a somewhat dramatic manner; originally, a composition for a single noise, consisting of both recitative and melody.
Cantation : A singing.
Cantatory : Containing cant or affectation; whining; singing.
Cantatrice : A female professional singer.
Canted : of Cant ;; Having angles; as, a six canted bolt head; a canted window. ;; Inclined at an angle to something else; tipped; sloping.
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