Vocabulary : Carcajou to Carceral

Carcajou : The wolverene; -- also applied, but erroneously, to the Canada lynx, and sometimes to the American badger. See Wolverene.
Carcanet : A jeweled chain, necklace, or collar.
Carcase : See Carcass.
Carcass : A dead body, whether of man or beast; a corpse; now commonly the dead body of a beast. ;; The living body; -- now commonly used in contempt or ridicule. ;; The abandoned and decaying remains of some bulky and once comely thing, as a ship; the skeleton, or the uncovered or unfinished frame, of a thing. ;; A hollow case or shell, filled with combustibles, to be thrown from a mortar or howitzer, to set fire to buldings, ships, etc.
Carcasses : of Carcass
Carcavelhos : A sweet wine. See Calcavella.
Carcel : A light standard much used in France, being the light from a Carcel lamp of stated size and construction consuming 42 grams of colza oil per hour with a flame 40 millimeters in height. Its illuminating power is variously stated at from 8.9 to 9.6 British standard candles.
Carcel lamp : A French mechanical lamp, for lighthouses, in which a superabundance of oil is pumped to the wick tube by clockwork.
Carcelage : Prison fees.
Carceral : Belonging to a prison.
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