Vocabulary : Chank to Chansonnettes

Chank : The East Indian name for the large spiral shell of several species of sea conch much used in making bangles, esp. Turbinella pyrum. Called also chank chell.
Channel : The hollow bed where a stream of water runs or may run. ;; The deeper part of a river, harbor, strait, etc., where the main current flows, or which affords the best and safest passage for vessels. ;; A strait, or narrow sea, between two portions of lands; as, the British Channel. ;; That through which anything passes; means of passing, conveying, or transmitting; as, the news was conveyed to us by different channels. ;; A gutter; a groove, as in a fluted column. ;; Flat ledges of heavy plank bolted edgewise to the outside of a vessel, to increase the spread of the shrouds and carry them clear of the bulwarks. ;; To form a channel in; to cut or wear a channel or channels in; to groove. ;; To course through or over, as in a channel.
Channeled : of Channel
Channeling : of Channel ;; The act or process of forming a channel or channels. ;; A channel or a system of channels; a groove.
Channelled : of Channel
Channelling : of Channel
Chanson : A song.
Chanson de geste : Any Old French epic poem having for its subject events or exploits of early French history, real or legendary, and written originally in assonant verse of ten or twelve syllables. The most famous one is the Chanson de Roland.
Chansonnette : A little song.
Chansonnettes : of Chansonnette
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