Vocabulary : Chaste to Chastised

Chaste : Pure from unlawful sexual intercourse; virtuous; continent. ;; Pure in thought and act; innocent; free from lewdness and obscenity, or indecency in act or speech; modest; as, a chaste mind; chaste eyes. ;; Pure in design and expression; correct; free from barbarisms or vulgarisms; refined; simple; as, a chaste style in composition or art. ;; Unmarried.
Chastely : In a chaste manner; with purity.
Chasten : To correct by punishment; to inflict pain upon the purpose of reclaiming; to discipline; as, to chasten a son with a rod. ;; To purify from errors or faults; to refine.
Chastened : of Chasten ;; Corrected; disciplined; refined; purified; toned down.
Chastener : One who chastens.
Chasteness : Chastity; purity. ;; Freedom from all that is meretricious, gaudy, or affected; as, chasteness of design.
Chastening : of Chasten
Chastisable : Capable or deserving of chastisement; punishable.
Chastise : To inflict pain upon, by means of stripes, or in any other manner, for the purpose of punishment or reformation; to punish, as with stripes. ;; To reduce to order or obedience; to correct or purify; to free from faults or excesses.
Chastised : of Chastise
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