Vocabulary : Cinura to Cippi

Cinura : The group of Thysanura which includes Lepisma and allied forms; the bristletails. See Bristletail, and Lepisma.
Cion : See Scion.
Ciorculated : of Circulate
Cipher : A character [0] which, standing by itself, expresses nothing, but when placed at the right hand of a whole number, increases its value tenfold. ;; One who, or that which, has no weight or influence. ;; A character in general, as a figure or letter. ;; A combination or interweaving of letters, as the initials of a name; a device; a monogram; as, a painter's cipher, an engraver's cipher, etc. The cut represents the initials N. W. ;; A private alphabet, system of characters, or other mode of writing, contrived for the safe transmission of secrets; also, a writing in such characters. ;; Of the nature of a cipher; of no weight or influence. ;; To use figures in a mathematical process; to do sums in arithmetic. ;; To write in occult characters. ;; To get by ciphering; as, to cipher out the answer. ;; To decipher. ;; To designate by characters.
Ciphered : of Cipher
Cipherer : One who ciphers.
Cipherhood : Nothingness.
Ciphering : of Cipher
Cipolin : A whitish marble, from Rome, containiing pale greenish zones. It consists of calcium carbonate, with zones and cloudings of talc.
Cippi : of Cippus
Next : Cippus, Circ, Circar, Circassian, Circean, Circensial, Circensian, Circinal, Circinate, Circination
Previous : Cinnamyl, Cinnoline, Cinque, Cinque Ports, Cinquecentist, Cinquecento, Cinquefoil, Cinque-pace, Cinque-spotted, Cinter
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