Vocabulary : Civillty to Clacked

Civillty : The state of society in which the relations and duties of a citizen are recognized and obeyed; a state of civilization. ;; A civil office, or a civil process ;; Courtesy; politeness; kind attention; good breeding; a polite act or expression.
Civily : In a civil manner; as regards civil rights and privileges; politely; courteously; in a well bred manner.
Civism : State of citizenship.
Cizar : To clip with scissors.
Cizars : Scissors.
Cize : Bulk; largeness. [Obs.] See Size.
Clabber : Milk curdled so as to become thick. ;; To become clabber; to lopper.
Clachan : A small village containing a church.
Clack : To make a sudden, sharp noise, or a succesion of such noises, as by striking an object, or by collision of parts; to rattle; to click. ;; To utter words rapidly and continually, or with abruptness; to let the tongue run. ;; To cause to make a sudden, sharp noise, or succession of noises; to click. ;; To utter rapidly and inconsiderately. ;; A sharp, abrupt noise, or succession of noises, made by striking an object. ;; Anything that causes a clacking noise, as the clapper of a mill, or a clack valve. ;; Continual or importunate talk; prattle; prating.
Clacked : of Clack
Next : Clacker, Clacking, Clad, Cladocera, Cladophyll, Claggy, Claik, Claim, Claimable, Claimant
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