Vocabulary : Cobwall to Cocainize

Cobwall : A wall made of clay mixed with straw.
Cobweb : The network spread by a spider to catch its prey. ;; A snare of insidious meshes designed to catch the ignorant and unwary. ;; That which is thin and unsubstantial, or flimsy and worthless; rubbish. ;; The European spotted flycatcher.
Cobwebbed : Abounding in cobwebs.
Cobwebby : Abounding in cobwebs, or any fine web; resembling a cobweb.
Cobwork : Built of logs, etc., laid horizontally, with the ends dovetailed together at the corners, as in a log house; in marine work, often surrounding a central space filled with stones; as, a cobwork dock or breakwater.
Coca : The dried leaf of a South American shrub (Erythroxylon Coca). In med., called Erythroxylon.
Cocagne : An imaginary country of idleness and luxury. ;; The land of cockneys; cockneydom; -- a term applied to London and its suburbs.
Cocaine : A powerful alkaloid, C17H21NO4, obtained from the leaves of coca. It is a bitter, white, crystalline substance, and is remarkable for producing local insensibility to pain.
Cocainism : A morbid condition produced by the habitual and excessive use of cocaine.
Cocainize : To treat or anaesthetize with cocaine.
Next : Cocci, Cocciferous, Coccinella, Coccobacteria, Coccobacterium, Coccolite, Coccolith, Coccosphere, Coccosteus, Cocculus Indicus
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