Vocabulary : Concurrentness to Condemnation

Concurrentness : The state or quality of being concurrent; concurrence.
Concurring : of Concur ;; Agreeing.
Concuss : To shake or agitate. ;; To force (a person) to do something, or give up something, by intimidation; to coerce.
Concussation : A violent shock or agitation.
Concussion : A shaking or agitation; a shock; caused by the collision of two bodies. ;; A condition of lowered functional activity, without visible structural change, produced in an organ by a shock, as by fall or blow; as, a concussion of the brain. ;; The unlawful forcing of another by threats of violence to yield up something of value.
Concussive : Having the power or quality of shaking or agitating.
Cond : To con, as a ship.
Condemn : To pronounce to be wrong; to disapprove of; to censure. ;; To declare the guilt of; to make manifest the faults or unworthiness of; to convict of guilt. ;; To pronounce a judicial sentence against; to sentence to punishment, suffering, or loss; to doom; -- with to before the penalty. ;; To amerce or fine; -- with in before the penalty. ;; To adjudge or pronounce to be unfit for use or service; to adjudge or pronounce to be forfeited; as, the ship and her cargo were condemned. ;; To doom to be taken for public use, under the right of eminent domain.
Condemnable : Worthy of condemnation; blamable; culpable.
Condemnation : The act of condemning or pronouncing to be wrong; censure; blame; disapprobation. ;; The act of judicially condemning, or adjudging guilty, unfit for use, or forfeited; the act of dooming to punishment or forfeiture. ;; The state of being condemned. ;; The ground or reason of condemning.
Next : Condemnatory, Condemned, Condemner, Condemning, Condensability, Condensable, Condensate, Condensated, Condensating, Condensation
Previous : Concupiscentious, Concupiscible, Concupiscibleness, Concupy, Concur, Concurred, Concurrence, Concurrency, Concurrent, Concurrently
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