Vocabulary : Conventicler to Conventionalization

Conventicler : One who supports or frequents conventicles.
Conventicling : Belonging or going to, or resembling, a conventicle.
Convention : The act of coming together; the state of being together; union; coalition. ;; General agreement or concurrence; arbitrary custom; usage; conventionality. ;; A meeting or an assembly of persons, esp. of delegates or representatives, to accomplish some specific object, -- civil, social, political, or ecclesiastical. ;; An extraordinary assembly of the parkiament or estates of the realm, held without the king's writ, -- as the assembly which restored Charles II. to the throne, and that which declared the throne to be abdicated by James II. ;; An agreement or contract less formal than, or preliminary to, a treaty; an informal compact, as between commanders of armies in respect to suspension of hostilities, or between states; also, a formal agreement between governments or sovereign powers; as, a postal convention between two governments.
Conventional : Formed by agreement or compact; stipulated. ;; Growing out of, or depending on, custom or tacit agreement; sanctioned by general concurrence or usage; formal. ;; Based upon tradition, whether religious and historical or of artistic rules. ;; Abstracted; removed from close representation of nature by the deliberate selection of what is to be represented and what is to be rejected; as, a conventional flower; a conventional shell. Cf. Conventionalize, v. t.
Conventionalily : In a conventional manner.
Conventionalism : That which is received or established by convention or arbitrary agreement; that which is in accordance with the fashion, tradition, or usage. ;; The principles or practice of conventionalizing. See Conventionalize, v. t.
Conventionalist : One who adheres to a convention or treaty. ;; One who is governed by conventionalism.
Conventionalities : of Conventionality
Conventionality : The state of being conventional; adherence to social formalities or usages; that which is established by conventional use; one of the customary usages of social life.
Conventionalization : The act of making conventional. ;; The state of being conventional.
Next : Conventionalize, Conventionalized, Conventionalizing, Conventionalizw, Conventionary, Conventioner, Conventionist, Conventual, Converge, Converged
Previous : Convened, Convener, Convenience, Conveniency, Convenient, Conveniently, Convenong, Convent, Conventical, Conventicle
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