Vocabulary : Corkwood to Cormus

Corkwood : The wood of the cork oak. ;; Any one of several trees or shrubs having light or corky wood; ;; In the United States, the tree Leitneria floridana. ;; In the West Indies: (1) Either of the cotton trees Ochroma lagopus and Pariti tiliaceum. ;; The tree producing the aligator apple. ;; The blolly.
Corky : Consisting of, or like, cork; dry shriveled up. ;; Tasting of cork.
Corm : A solid bulb-shaped root, as of the crocus. See Bulb. ;; Same as Cormus, 2.
Cormogeny : The embryological history of groups or families of individuals.
Cormophylogeny : The phylogeny of groups or families of individuals.
Cormophyta : A term proposed by Endlicher to include all plants with an axis containing vascular tissue and with foliage.
Cormophytes : Alt. of Cormophyta
Cormorant : Any species of Phalacrocorax, a genus of sea birds having a sac under the beak; the shag. Cormorants devour fish voraciously, and have become the emblem of gluttony. They are generally black, and hence are called sea ravens, and coalgeese. ;; A voracious eater; a glutton, or gluttonous servant.
Cormoraut : Ravenous; voracious.
Cormus : See Corm. ;; A vegetable or animal made up of a number of individuals, such as, for example, would be formed by a process of budding from a parent stalk wherre the buds remain attached.
Next : Corn, Cornage, Cornamute, Cornbind, Corncob, Corncrake, Corncrib, Corncutter, Corndodger, Cornea
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