Vocabulary : Costless to Costumer

Costless : Costing nothing.
Costlewe : Costly.
Costliness : The quality of being costy; expensiveness; sumptuousness.
Costly : Of great cost; expensive; dear. ;; Gorgeous; sumptuous.
Costmary : A garden plant (Chrysanthemum Balsamita) having a strong balsamic smell, and nearly allied to tansy. It is used as a pot herb and salad plant and in flavoring ale and beer. Called also alecost.
Coston lights : Signals made by burning lights of different colors and used by vessels at sea, and in the life-saving service; -- named after their inventor.
Costotome : An instrument (chisel or shears) to cut the ribs and open the thoracic cavity, in post-mortem examinations and dissections.
Costrel : A bottle of leather, earthenware, or wood, having ears by which it was suspended at the side.
Costume : Dress in general; esp., the distinctive style of dress of a people, class, or period. ;; Such an arrangement of accessories, as in a picture, statue, poem, or play, as is appropriate to the time, place, or other circumstances represented or described. ;; A character dress, used at fancy balls or for dramatic purposes.
Costumer : One who makes or deals in costumes, as for theaters, fancy balls, etc.
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