Vocabulary : Countermark to Countermuring

Countermark : A mark or token added to those already existing, in order to afford security or proof; as, an additional or special mark put upon a package of goods belonging to several persons, that it may not be opened except in the presence of all; a mark added to that of an artificer of gold or silver work by the Goldsmiths' Company of London, to attest the standard quality of the gold or silver; a mark added to an ancient coin or medal, to show either its change of value or that it was taken from an enemy. ;; An artificial cavity made in the teeth of horses that have outgrown their natural mark, to disguise their age. ;; To apply a countermark to; as, to countermark silverware; to countermark a horse's teeth.
Countermen : of Counterman
Countermine : An underground gallery excavated to intercept and destroy the mining of an enemy. ;; A stratagem or plot by which another sratagem or project is defeated. ;; To oppose by means of a countermine; to intercept with a countermine. ;; To frustrate or counteract by secret measures. ;; To make a countermine or counterplot; to plot secretly.
Countermined : of Countermine
Countermining : of Countermine
Countermove : To move in a contrary direction to. ;; Alt. of Countermovement
Countermovement : A movement in opposition to another.
Countermure : A wall raised behind another, to supply its place when breached or destroyed. [R.] Cf. Contramure. ;; To fortify with a wall behind another wall.
Countermured : of Countermure
Countermuring : of Countermure
Next : Counternatural, Counter-paly, Counterpane, Counterpart, Counterpassant, Counterplead, Counterplot, Counterplotted, Counterplotting, Counterpoint
Previous : Counterjumper, Counterlath, Counterman, Countermand, Countermandable, Countermanded, Countermanding, Countermarch, Countermarched, Countermarching
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