Vocabulary : Cowage to Cowardly

Cowage : See Cowhage.
Cowalker : A phantasmic or "astral" body deemed to be separable from the physical body and capable of acting independently; a doppelganger.
Cowan : One who works as a mason without having served a regular apprenticeship.
Coward : Borne in the escutcheon with his tail doubled between his legs; -- said of a lion. ;; Destitute of courage; timid; cowardly. ;; Belonging to a coward; proceeding from, or expressive of, base fear or timidity. ;; A person who lacks courage; a timid or pusillanimous person; a poltroon. ;; To make timorous; to frighten.
Cowardice : Want of courage to face danger; extreme timidity; pusillanimity; base fear of danger or hurt; lack of spirit.
Cowardie : Cowardice.
Cowardish : Cowardly.
Cowardize : To render cowardly
Cowardliness : Cowardice.
Cowardly : Wanting courage; basely or weakly timid or fearful; pusillanimous; spiritless. ;; Proceeding from fear of danger or other consequences; befitting a coward; dastardly; base; as, cowardly malignity. ;; In the manner of a coward.
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