Vocabulary : Creepingly to Cremate

Creepingly : by creeping slowly; in the manner of a reptile; insidiously; cunningly.
Creeple : A creeping creature; a reptile. ;; One who is lame; a cripple.
Creepy : Crawly; having or producing a sensation like that caused by insects creeping on the skin.
Crees : An Algonquin tribe of Indians, inhabiting a large part of British America east of the Rocky Mountains and south of Hudson's Bay.
Creese : A dagger or short sword used by the Malays, commonly having a serpentine blade.
Crefting : Croftland. ;; Exposing linen to the sun, on the grass, in the process of bleaching.
Cremaillere : An indented or zigzaged line of intrenchment.
Cremaster : A thin muscle which serves to draw up the testicle. ;; The apex of the last abdominal segment of an insect.
Cremasteric : Of or pertaining to the cremaster; as, the cremasteric artery.
Cremate : To burn; to reduce to ashes by the action of fire, either directly or in an oven or retort; to incremate or incinerate; as, to cremate a corpse, instead of burying it.
Next : Cremation, Cremationist, Cremator, Crematories, Crematorium, Crematoriums, Crematory, Creme, Cremocarp, Cremona
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