Vocabulary : Daddling to Daedalian

Daddling : of Dadle
Daddock : The rotten body of a tree.
Daddy : Diminutive of Dad.
Daddy longlegs : An arachnidan of the genus Phalangium, and allied genera, having a small body and four pairs of long legs; -- called also harvestman, carter, and grandfather longlegs. ;; A name applied to many species of dipterous insects of the genus Tipula, and allied genera, with slender bodies, and very long, slender legs; the crane fly; -- called also father longlegs.
Dade : To hold up by leading strings or by the hand, as a child while he toddles. ;; To walk unsteadily, as a child in leading strings, or just learning to walk; to move slowly.
Dadle : To toddle; to walk unsteadily, like a child or an old man; hence, to do anything slowly or feebly.
Dado : That part of a pedestal included between the base and the cornice (or surbase); the die. See Illust. of Column. ;; In any wall, that part of the basement included between the base and the base course. See Base course, under Base. ;; In interior decoration, the lower part of the wall of an apartment when adorned with moldings, or otherwise specially decorated.
Dadoes : of Dado
Daedal : Alt. of Daedalian
Daedalian : Cunningly or ingeniously formed or working; skillful; artistic; ingenious. ;; Crafty; deceitful.
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