Vocabulary : Dairies to Daisied

Dairies : of Dairy
Dairy : The place, room, or house where milk is kept, and converted into butter or cheese. ;; That department of farming which is concerned in the production of milk, and its conversion into butter and cheese. ;; A dairy farm.
Dairying : The business of conducting a dairy.
Dairymaid : A female servant whose business is the care of the dairy.
Dairyman : A man who keeps or takes care of a dairy.
Dairymen : of Dairyman
Dairywoman : A woman who attends to a dairy.
Dairywomen : of Dairywoman
Dais : The high or principal table, at the end of a hall, at which the chief guests were seated; also, the chief seat at the high table. ;; A platform slightly raised above the floor of a hall or large room, giving distinction to the table and seats placed upon it for the chief guests. ;; A canopy over the seat of a person of dignity.
Daisied : Full of daisies; adorned with daisies.
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