Vocabulary : Dal to Dallier

Dal : Split pulse, esp. of Cajanus Indicus.
Dal segno : A direction to go back to the sign / and repeat from thence to the close. See Segno.
Dale : A low place between hills; a vale or valley. ;; A trough or spout to carry off water, as from a pump.
Dalesman : One living in a dale; -- a term applied particularly to the inhabitants of the valleys in the north of England, Norway, etc.
Dalesmen : of Dalesman
Dalf : imp. of Delve.
Dalles : A rapid, esp. one where the channel is narrowed between rock walls.
Dalliance : The act of dallying, trifling, or fondling; interchange of caresses; wanton play. ;; Delay or procrastination. ;; Entertaining discourse.
Dallied : of Dally
Dallier : One who fondles; a trifler; as, dalliers with pleasant words.
Next : Dallop, Dally, Dallying, Dalmania, Dalmanites, Dalmatian, Dalmatic, Dalmatica, Daltonian, Daltonism
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