Vocabulary : Dealing to Deanship

Dealing : of Deal ;; The act of one who deals; distribution of anything, as of cards to the players; method of business; traffic; intercourse; transaction; as, to have dealings with a person.
Dealt : of Deal
Dealth : Share dealt.
Deambulate : To walk abroad.
Deambulation : A walking abroad; a promenading.
Deambulatory : Going about from place to place; wandering; of or pertaining to a deambulatory. ;; A covered place in which to walk; an ambulatory.
Dean : A dignitary or presiding officer in certain ecclesiastical and lay bodies; esp., an ecclesiastical dignitary, subordinate to a bishop. ;; The collegiate officer in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, England, who, besides other duties, has regard to the moral condition of the college. ;; The head or presiding officer in the faculty of some colleges or universities. ;; A registrar or secretary of the faculty in a department of a college, as in a medical, or theological, or scientific department. ;; The chief or senior of a company on occasion of ceremony; as, the dean of the diplomatic corps; -- so called by courtesy.
Deaneries : of Deanery
Deanery : The office or the revenue of a dean. See the Note under Benefice, n., 3. ;; The residence of a dean. ;; The territorial jurisdiction of a dean.
Deanship : The office of a dean.
Next : Dear, Dearborn, Dear-bought, Deare, Dearie, Dearling, Dear-loved, Dearly, Dearn, Dearness
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