Vocabulary : Decidence to Decigram

Decidence : A falling off.
Decider : One who decides.
Deciding : of Decide
Decidua : The inner layer of the wall of the uterus, which envelops the embryo, forms a part of the placenta, and is discharged with it.
Deciduata : A group of Mammalia in which a decidua is thrown off with, or after, the fetus, as in the human species.
Deciduate : Possessed of, or characterized by, a decidua.
Deciduity : Deciduousness.
Deciduous : Falling off, or subject to fall or be shed, at a certain season, or a certain stage or interval of growth, as leaves (except of evergreens) in autumn, or as parts of animals, such as hair, teeth, antlers, etc.; also, shedding leaves or parts at certain seasons, stages, or intervals; as, deciduous trees; the deciduous membrane.
Deciduousness : The quality or state of being deciduous.
Decigram : Alt. of Decigramme
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