Vocabulary : Decoy to Decreaseless

Decoy : To lead into danger by artifice; to lure into a net or snare; to entrap; to insnare; to allure; to entice; as, to decoy troops into an ambush; to decoy ducks into a net. ;; Anything intended to lead into a snare; a lure that deceives and misleads into danger, or into the power of an enemy; a bait. ;; A fowl, or the likeness of one, used by sportsmen to entice other fowl into a net or within shot. ;; A place into which wild fowl, esp. ducks, are enticed in order to take or shoot them. ;; A person employed by officers of justice, or parties exposed to injury, to induce a suspected person to commit an offense under circumstances that will lead to his detection.
Decoy-duck : A duck used to lure wild ducks into a decoy; hence, a person employed to lure others into danger.
Decoyed : of Decoy
Decoyer : One who decoys another.
Decoying : of Decoy
Decoy-man : A man employed in decoying wild fowl.
Decoy-men : of Decoy-man
Decrease : To grow less, -- opposed to increase; to be diminished gradually, in size, degree, number, duration, etc., or in strength, quality, or excellence; as, they days decrease in length from June to December. ;; To cause to grow less; to diminish gradually; as, extravagance decreases one's means. ;; A becoming less; gradual diminution; decay; as, a decrease of revenue or of strength. ;; The wane of the moon.
Decreased : of Decrease
Decreaseless : Suffering no decrease.
Next : Decreasing, Decreation, Decree, Decreeable, Decreed, Decreeing, Decreer, Decreet, Decrement, Decrepit
Previous : Decorator, Decore, Decorement, Decorous, Decorticate, Decorticated, Decorticating, Decortication, Decorticator, Decorum
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