Vocabulary : Deduction to Deedless

Deduction : Act or process of deducing or inferring. ;; Act of deducting or taking away; subtraction; as, the deduction of the subtrahend from the minuend. ;; That which is deduced or drawn from premises by a process of reasoning; an inference; a conclusion. ;; That which is deducted; the part taken away; abatement; as, a deduction from the yearly rent.
Deductive : Of or pertaining to deduction; capable of being deduced from premises; deducible.
Deductively : By deduction; by way of inference; by consequence.
Deductor : The pilot whale or blackfish.
Deduit : Delight; pleasure.
Deduplication : The division of that which is morphologically one organ into two or more, as the division of an organ of a plant into a pair or cluster.
Deed : Dead. ;; That which is done or effected by a responsible agent; an act; an action; a thing done; -- a word of extensive application, including, whatever is done, good or bad, great or small. ;; Illustrious act; achievement; exploit. ;; Power of action; agency; efficiency. ;; Fact; reality; -- whence we have indeed. ;; A sealed instrument in writing, on paper or parchment, duly executed and delivered, containing some transfer, bargain, or contract. ;; Performance; -- followed by of. ;; To convey or transfer by deed; as, he deeded all his estate to his eldest son.
Deed poll : A deed of one part, or executed by only one party, and distinguished from an indenture by having the edge of the parchment or paper cut even, or polled as it was anciently termed, instead of being indented.
Deedful : Full of deeds or exploits; active; stirring.
Deedless : Not performing, or not having performed, deeds or exploits; inactive.
Next : Deedy, Deem, Deemed, Deeming, Deemster, Deep, Deepen, Deepened, Deepening, Deep-fet
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