Vocabulary : Dere to Deride

Dere : To hurt; to harm; to injure. ;; Harm.
Derecho : A straight wind without apparent cyclonic tendency, usually accompanied with rain and often destructive, common in the prairie regions of the United States.
Dereine : Alt. of Dereyne
Derelict : Given up or forsaken by the natural owner or guardian; left and abandoned; as, derelict lands. ;; Lost; adrift; hence, wanting; careless; neglectful; unfaithful. ;; A thing voluntary abandoned or willfully cast away by its proper owner, especially a ship abandoned at sea. ;; A tract of land left dry by the sea, and fit for cultivation or use.
Dereliction : The act of leaving with an intention not to reclaim or resume; an utter forsaking abandonment. ;; A neglect or omission as if by willful abandonment. ;; The state of being left or abandoned. ;; A retiring of the sea, occasioning a change of high-water mark, whereby land is gained.
Dereligionize : To make irreligious; to turn from religion.
Dereling : Darling. ;; Darling.
Dereyne : Same as Darraign.
Derf : Strong; powerful; fierce.
Deride : To laugh at with contempt; to laugh to scorn; to turn to ridicule or make sport of; to mock; to scoff at.
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