Vocabulary : Dialyzer to Diametral

Dialyzer : The instrument or medium used to effect chemical dialysis.
Dialyzing : of Dialyze
Diamagnet : A body having diamagnetic polarity.
Diamagnetic : Pertaining to, or exhibiting the phenomena of, diamagnetism; taking, or being of a nature to take, a position at right angles to the lines of magnetic force. See Paramagnetic. ;; Any substance, as bismuth, glass, phosphorous, etc., which in a field of magnetic force is differently affected from the ordinary magnetic bodies, as iron; that is, which tends to take a position at right angles to the lines of magnetic force, and is repelled by either pole of the magnet.
Diamagnetically : In the manner of, or according to, diamagnetism.
Diamagnetism : The science which treats of diamagnetic phenomena, and of the properties of diamagnetic bodies. ;; That form or condition of magnetic action which characterizes diamagnetics.
Diamantiferous : Yielding diamonds.
Diamantine : Adamantine.
Diameter : Any right line passing through the center of a figure or body, as a circle, conic section, sphere, cube, etc., and terminated by the opposite boundaries; a straight line which bisects a system of parallel chords drawn in a curve. ;; A diametral plane. ;; The length of a straight line through the center of an object from side to side; width; thickness; as, the diameter of a tree or rock. ;; The distance through the lower part of the shaft of a column, used as a standard measure for all parts of the order. See Module.
Diametral : Pertaining to a diameter; diametrical. ;; A diameter.
Next : Diametrally, Diametric, Diametrical, Diametrically, Diamide, Diamido-, Diamine, Diamond, Diamond anniversary, Diamond State
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