Vocabulary : Diathesis to Diatryma

Diathesis : Bodily condition or constitution, esp. a morbid habit which predisposes to a particular disease, or class of diseases.
Diathetic : Pertaining to, or dependent on, a diathesis or special constitution of the body; as, diathetic disease.
Diatom : One of the Diatomaceae, a family of minute unicellular Algae having a siliceous covering of great delicacy, each individual multiplying by spontaneous division. By some authors diatoms are called Bacillariae, but this word is not in general use. ;; A particle or atom endowed with the vital principle.
Diatomic : Containing two atoms. ;; Having two replaceable atoms or radicals.
Diatomous : Having a single, distinct, diagonal cleavage; -- said of crystals.
Diatonic : Pertaining to the scale of eight tones, the eighth of which is the octave of the first.
Diatonically : In a diatonic manner.
Diatribe : A prolonged or exhaustive discussion; especially, an acrimonious or invective harangue; a strain of abusive or railing language; a philippic.
Diatribist : One who makes a diatribe or diatribes.
Diatryma : An extinct eocene bird from New Mexico, larger than the ostrich.
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