Vocabulary : Didynamia to Dielectric

Didynamia : A Linnaean class of plants having four stamens disposed in pairs of unequal length.
Didynamian : Didynamous.
Didynamous : Of or pertaining to the Didynamia; containing four stamens disposed in pairs of unequal length.
Die : of Dice ;; To pass from an animate to a lifeless state; to cease to live; to suffer a total and irreparable loss of action of the vital functions; to become dead; to expire; to perish; -- said of animals and vegetables; often with of, by, with, from, and rarely for, before the cause or occasion of death; as, to die of disease or hardships; to die by fire or the sword; to die with horror at the thought. ;; To suffer death; to lose life. ;; To perish in any manner; to cease; to become lost or extinct; to be extinguished. ;; To sink; to faint; to pine; to languish, with weakness, discouragement, love, etc. ;; To become indifferent; to cease to be subject; as, to die to pleasure or to sin. ;; To recede and grow fainter; to become imperceptible; to vanish; -- often with out or away. ;; To disappear gradually in another surface, as where moldings are lost in a sloped or curved face. ;; To become vapid, flat, or spiritless, as liquor. ;; A small cube, marked on its faces with spots from one to six, and used in playi
Diecian : Alt. of Diecious
Diecious : See Dioecian, and Dioecious.
Died : of Die
Diedral : The same as Dihedral.
Diegesis : A narrative or history; a recital or relation.
Dielectric : Any substance or medium that transmits the electric force by a process different from conduction, as in the phenomena of induction; a nonconductor. separating a body electrified by induction, from the electrifying body.
Next : Dielytra, Diencephalon, Diereses, Dieresis, Dies, Dies Irae, Dies juridici, Dies juridicus, Dies non, Diesel engine
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