Vocabulary : Disbud to Disburthened

Disbud : To deprive of buds or shoots, as for training, or economizing the vital strength of a tree.
Disburden : To rid of a burden; to free from a load borne or from something oppressive; to unload; to disencumber; to relieve. ;; To relieve one's self of a burden; to ease the mind.
Disburgeon : To strip of burgeons or buds; to disbud.
Disburse : To pay out; to expend; -- usually from a public fund or treasury.
Disbursed : of Disburse
Disbursement : The act of disbursing or paying out. ;; That which is disbursed or paid out; as, the annual disbursements exceed the income.
Disburser : One who disburses money.
Disbursing : of Disburse
Disburthen : To disburden; to relieve of a load.
Disburthened : of Disburthen
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