Vocabulary : Discoverable to Discovery Day

Discoverable : Capable of being discovered, found out, or perceived; as, many minute animals are discoverable only by the help of the microscope; truths discoverable by human industry.
Discovered : of Discover
Discoverer : One who discovers; one who first comes to the knowledge of something; one who discovers an unknown country, or a new principle, truth, or fact. ;; A scout; an explorer.
Discoveries : of Discovery
Discovering : of Discover
Discoverment : Discovery.
Discovert : Not covert; not within the bonds of matrimony; unmarried; -- applied either to a woman who has never married or to a widow. ;; An uncovered place or part.
Discoverture : Discovery. ;; A state of being released from coverture; freedom of a woman from the coverture of a husband.
Discovery : The action of discovering; exposure to view; laying open; showing; as, the discovery of a plot. ;; A making known; revelation; disclosure; as, a bankrupt is bound to make a full discovery of his assets. ;; Finding out or ascertaining something previously unknown or unrecognized; as, Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood. ;; That which is discovered; a thing found out, or for the first time ascertained or recognized; as, the properties of the magnet were an important discovery. ;; Exploration; examination.
Discovery Day : #NAME?
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