Vocabulary : Disjuncttion to Dislike

Disjuncttion : The act of disjoining; disunion; separation; a parting; as, the disjunction of soul and body. ;; A disjunctive proposition.
Disjuncture : The act of disjoining, or state of being disjoined; separation.
Disk : A discus; a quoit. ;; A flat, circular plate; as, a disk of metal or paper. ;; The circular figure of a celestial body, as seen projected of the heavens. ;; A circular structure either in plants or animals; as, a blood disk; germinal disk, etc. ;; The whole surface of a leaf. ;; The central part of a radiate compound flower, as in sunflower. ;; A part of the receptacle enlarged or expanded under, or around, or even on top of, the pistil. ;; The anterior surface or oral area of coelenterate animals, as of sea anemones. ;; The lower side of the body of some invertebrates, especially when used for locomotion, when it is often called a creeping disk. ;; In owls, the space around the eyes.
Disk clutch : A friction clutch in which the gripping surfaces are disks or more or less resemble disks.
Diskindness : Unkindness; disservice.
Diskless : Having no disk; appearing as a point and not expanded into a disk, as the image of a faint star in a telescope.
Dislade : To unlade.
Disleal : Disloyal; perfidious.
Disleave : To deprive of leaves.
Dislike : To regard with dislike or aversion; to disapprove; to disrelish. ;; To awaken dislike in; to displease. ;; A feeling of positive and usually permanent aversion to something unpleasant, uncongenial, or offensive; disapprobation; repugnance; displeasure; disfavor; -- the opposite of liking or fondness. ;; Discord; dissension.
Next : Disliked, Dislikeful, Dislikelihood, Disliken, Dislikeness, Disliker, Disliking, Dislimb, Dislimn, Dislink
Previous : Disjoined, Disjoining, Disjoint, Disjointed, Disjointing, Disjointly, Disjudication, Disjunct, Disjunctive, Disjunctively
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