Vocabulary : Disseizin to Dissembling

Disseizin : The act of disseizing; an unlawful dispossessing and ouster of a person actually seized of the freehold.
Disseizing : of Disseize
Disseizor : One who wrongfully disseizes, or puts another out of possession of a freehold.
Disseizoress : A woman disseizes.
Disseizure : Disseizin.
Dissemblance : Want of resemblance; dissimilitude. ;; The act or art of dissembling; dissimulation.
Dissemble : To hide under a false semblance or seeming; to feign (something) not to be what it really is; to put an untrue appearance upon; to disguise; to mask. ;; To put on the semblance of; to make pretense of; to simulate; to feign. ;; To conceal the real fact, motives, /tention, or sentiments, under some pretense; to assume a false appearance; to act the hypocrite.
Dissembled : of Dissemble
Dissembler : One who dissembles; one who conceals his opinions or dispositions under a false appearance; a hypocrite.
Dissembling : of Dissemble ;; That dissembles; hypocritical; false.
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