Vocabulary : Distasteive to Distempered

Distasteive : Tending to excite distaste. ;; That which excites distaste or aversion.
Distasting : of Distaste
Distasture : Something which excites distaste or disgust.
Distaves : of Distaff
Distemper : To temper or mix unduly; to make disproportionate; to change the due proportions of. ;; To derange the functions of, whether bodily, mental, or spiritual; to disorder; to disease. ;; To deprive of temper or moderation; to disturb; to ruffle; to make disaffected, ill-humored, or malignant. ;; To intoxicate. ;; To mix (colors) in the way of distemper; as, to distemper colors with size. ;; An undue or unnatural temper, or disproportionate mixture of parts. ;; Severity of climate; extreme weather, whether hot or cold. ;; A morbid state of the animal system; indisposition; malady; disorder; -- at present chiefly applied to diseases of brutes; as, a distemper in dogs; the horse distemper; the horn distemper in cattle. ;; Morbid temper of the mind; undue predominance of a passion or appetite; mental derangement; bad temper; ill humor. ;; Political disorder; tumult. ;; A preparation of opaque or body colors, in which the pigments are tempered or diluted with weak glue or size (cf. Tempera) instead of oil, usually for
Distemperance : Distemperature.
Distemperate : Immoderate. ;; Diseased; disordered.
Distemperately : Unduly.
Distemperature : Bad temperature; intemperateness; excess of heat or cold, or of other qualities; as, the distemperature of the air. ;; Disorder; confusion. ;; Disorder of body; slight illness; distemper. ;; Perturbation of mind; mental uneasiness.
Distempered : of Distemper
Next : Distempering, Distemperment, Distend, Distended, Distending, Distensibility, Distensible, Distension, Distensive, Distent
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