Vocabulary : Doffing to Dogbane

Doffing : of Doff
Dog : A quadruped of the genus Canis, esp. the domestic dog (C. familiaris). ;; A mean, worthless fellow; a wretch. ;; A fellow; -- used humorously or contemptuously; as, a sly dog; a lazy dog. ;; One of the two constellations, Canis Major and Canis Minor, or the Greater Dog and the Lesser Dog. Canis Major contains the Dog Star (Sirius). ;; An iron for holding wood in a fireplace; a firedog; an andiron. ;; A grappling iron, with a claw or claws, for fastening into wood or other heavy articles, for the purpose of raising or moving them. ;; An iron with fangs fastening a log in a saw pit, or on the carriage of a sawmill. ;; A piece in machinery acting as a catch or clutch; especially, the carrier of a lathe, also, an adjustable stop to change motion, as in a machine tool. ;; To hunt or track like a hound; to follow insidiously or indefatigably; to chase with a dog or dogs; to worry, as if by dogs; to hound with importunity.
Dog bee : A male or drone bee.
Dog day : Alt. of Dogday
Dog days : A period of from four to six weeks, in the summer, variously placed by almanac makers between the early part of July and the early part of September; canicular days; -- so called in reference to the rising in ancient times of the Dog Star (Sirius) with the sun. Popularly, the sultry, close part of the summer.
Dog fancier : One who has an unusual fancy for, or interest in, dogs; also, one who deals in dogs.
Dog Star : Sirius, a star of the constellation Canis Major, or the Greater Dog, and the brightest star in the heavens; -- called also Canicula, and, in astronomical charts, / Canis Majoris. See Dog days.
Dogal : Of or pertaining to a doge.
Dogate : The office or dignity of a doge.
Dogbane : A small genus of perennial herbaceous plants, with poisonous milky juice, bearing slender pods pods in pairs.
Next : Dogberry, Dogbolt, Dog-brier, Dogcart, Dogday, Dogdraw, Doge, Dog-eared, Dogeate, Dogeless
Previous : Doe, Doe, John, Doeglic, Doegling, Doer, Does, Doeskin, Doff, Doffed, Doffer
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