Vocabulary : Dosology to Dotage

Dosology : Posology.
Doss : A place to sleep in; a bed; hence, sleep.
Doss house : A cheap lodging house.
Dossel : Same as Dorsal, n.
Dosser : A pannier, or basket. ;; A hanging tapestry; a dorsal.
Dossier : A bundle containing the papers in reference to some matter.
Dossil : A small ovoid or cylindrical roil or pledget of lint, for keeping a sore, wound, etc., open; a tent. ;; A roll of cloth for wiping off the face of a copperplate, leaving the ink in the engraved lines.
Dost : of Do.
Dot : A marriage portion; dowry. ;; A small point or spot, made with a pen or other pointed instrument; a speck, or small mark. ;; Anything small and like a speck comparatively; a small portion or specimen; as, a dot of a child. ;; To mark with dots or small spots; as, to dot a line. ;; To mark or diversify with small detached objects; as, a landscape dotted with cottages. ;; To make dots or specks.
Dotage : Feebleness or imbecility of understanding or mind, particularly in old age; the childishness of old age; senility; as, a venerable man, now in his dotage. ;; Foolish utterance; drivel. ;; Excessive fondness; weak and foolish affection.
Next : Dotal, Dotant, Dotard, Dotardly, Dotary, Dotation, Dote, Doted, Dotehead, Doter
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