Vocabulary : Dotty to Double dealing

Dotty : Composed of, or characterized by, dots. ;; Unsteady in gait; hence, feeble; half-witted.
Doty : Half-rotten; as, doty timber.
Douane : A customhouse.
Douanier : An officer of the French customs.
Douar : A village composed of Arab tents arranged in streets.
Douay Bible : A translation of the Scriptures into the English language for the use of English-speaking Roman Catholics; -- done from the Latin Vulgate by English scholars resident in France. The New Testament portion was published at Rheims, A. D. 1582, the Old Testament at Douai, A. D. 1609-10. Various revised editions have since been published.
Doub grass : Doob grass.
Double : Twofold; multiplied by two; increased by its equivalent; made twice as large or as much, etc. ;; Being in pairs; presenting two of a kind, or two in a set together; coupled. ;; Divided into two; acting two parts, one openly and the other secretly; equivocal; deceitful; insincere. ;; Having the petals in a flower considerably increased beyond the natural number, usually as the result of cultivation and the expense of the stamens, or stamens and pistils. The white water lily and some other plants have their blossoms naturally double. ;; Twice; doubly. ;; To increase by adding an equal number, quantity, length, value, or the like; multiply by two; to double a sum of money; to double a number, or length. ;; To make of two thicknesses or folds by turning or bending together in the middle; to fold one part upon another part of; as, to double the leaf of a book, and the like; to clinch, as the fist; -- often followed by up; as, to double up a sheet of paper or cloth. ;; To be the double of; to exceed by twofold; to
Double dealer : One who practices double dealing; a deceitful, trickish person.
Double dealing : False or deceitful dealing. See Double dealing, under Dealing.
Next : Double first, Double pedro, Double-acting, Double-bank, Double-banked, Double-barreled, Double-beat valve, Double-breasted, Double-charge, Doubled
Previous : Dotery, Doth, Doting, Dotish, Dottard, Dotted, Dotterel, Dotting, Dotting pen, Dottrel
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