Vocabulary : Drony to Drop

Drony : Like a drone; sluggish; lazy.
Drool : To drivel, or drop saliva; as, the child drools.
Drooled : of Drool
Drooling : of Drool
Droop : To hang bending downward; to sink or hang down, as an animal, plant, etc., from physical inability or exhaustion, want of nourishment, or the like. ;; To grow weak or faint with disappointment, grief, or like causes; to be dispirited or depressed; to languish; as, her spirits drooped. ;; To proceed downward, or toward a close; to decline. ;; To let droop or sink. ;; A drooping; as, a droop of the eye.
Drooped : of Droop
Drooper : One who, or that which, droops.
Drooping : of Droop
Droopingly : In a drooping manner.
Drop : The quantity of fluid which falls in one small spherical mass; a liquid globule; a minim; hence, also, the smallest easily measured portion of a fluid; a small quantity; as, a drop of water. ;; That which resembles, or that which hangs like, a liquid drop; as a hanging diamond ornament, an earring, a glass pendant on a chandelier, a sugarplum (sometimes medicated), or a kind of shot or slug. ;; Same as Gutta. ;; Any small pendent ornament. ;; Whatever is arranged to drop, hang, or fall from an elevated position; also, a contrivance for lowering something ;; A door or platform opening downward; a trap door; that part of the gallows on which a culprit stands when he is to be hanged; hence, the gallows itself. ;; A machine for lowering heavy weights, as packages, coal wagons, etc., to a ship's deck. ;; A contrivance for temporarily lowering a gas jet. ;; A curtain which drops or falls in front of the stage of a theater, etc. ;; A drop press or drop hammer. ;; The distance of the axis of a shaft below the base of
Next : Droplet, Droplight, Dropmeal, Dropmele, Dropped, Dropper, Dropping, Droppinly, Dropsical, Dropsicalness
Previous : Drone bee, Drone fly, Droned, Dronepipe, Drongo, Drongos, Droning, Dronish, Dronkelewe, Dronte
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