Vocabulary : Effervesced to Efficacious

Effervesced : of Effervesce
Effervescence : Alt. of Effervescency
Effervescency : A kind of natural ebullition; that commotion of a fluid which takes place when some part of the mass flies off in a gaseous form, producing innumerable small bubbles; as, the effervescence of a carbonate with citric acid.
Effervescent : Gently boiling or bubbling, by means of the disengagement of gas
Effervescible : Capable of effervescing.
Effervescing : of Effervesce
Effervescive : Tending to produce effervescence.
Effet : The common newt; -- called also asker, eft, evat, and ewt.
Effete : No longer capable of producing young, as an animal, or fruit, as the earth; hence, worn out with age; exhausted of energy; incapable of efficient action; no longer productive; barren; sterile.
Efficacious : Possessing the quality of being effective; productive of, or powerful to produce, the effect intended; as, an efficacious law.
Next : Efficacity, Efficacy, Efficience, Efficiency, Efficient, Efficiently, Effierce, Effigial, Effigiate, Effigiation
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