Vocabulary : Electrizing to Electro-capillary

Electrizing : of Electrize
Electro : An electrotype.
Electro- : A prefix or combining form signifying pertaining to electricity, produced by electricity, producing or employing electricity, etc.; as, electro-negative; electro-dynamic; electro-magnet.
Electro-ballistic : Pertaining to electro-ballistics.
Electro-ballistics : The art or science of measuring the force or velocity of projectiles by means of electricity.
Electro-biologist : One versed in electro-biology.
Electro-biology : That branch of biology which treats of the electrical phenomena of living organisms. ;; That phase of mesmerism or animal magnetism, the phenomena of which are supposed to be produced by a form of electricity.
Electro-bioscopy : A method of determining the presence or absence of life in an animal organism with a current of electricity, by noting the presence or absence of muscular contraction.
Electro-capillarity : The occurrence or production of certain capillary effects by the action of an electrical current or charge.
Electro-capillary : Pert. to, or caused by, electro-capillarity.
Next : Electro-chemical, Electro-chemistry, Electro-chronograph, Electro-chronographic, Electrocute, Electrode, Electro-dynamic, Electro-dynamical, Electro-dynamics, Electro-dynamometer
Previous : Electrification, Electrified, Electrify, Electrifying, Electrine, Electrition, Electrization, Electrize, Electrized, Electrizer
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