Vocabulary : Eleemosynary to Elegiographer

Eleemosynary : Relating to charity, alms, or almsgiving; intended for the distribution of charity; as, an eleemosynary corporation. ;; Given in charity or alms; having the nature of alms; as, eleemosynary assistance. ;; Supported by charity; as, eleemosynary poor. ;; One who subsists on charity; a dependent.
Elegance : Alt. of Elegancy
Elegancy : The state or quality of being elegant; beauty as resulting from choice qualities and the complete absence of what deforms or impresses unpleasantly; grace given by art or practice; fine polish; refinement; -- said of manners, language, style, form, architecture, etc. ;; That which is elegant; that which is tasteful and highly attractive.
Elegant : Very choice, and hence, pleasing to good taste; characterized by grace, propriety, and refinement, and the absence of every thing offensive; exciting admiration and approbation by symmetry, completeness, freedom from blemish, and the like; graceful; tasteful and highly attractive; as, elegant manners; elegant style of composition; an elegant speaker; an elegant structure. ;; Exercising a nice choice; discriminating beauty or sensitive to beauty; as, elegant taste.
Elegantly : In a manner to please nice taste; with elegance; with due symmetry; richly.
Elegiac : Belonging to elegy, or written in elegiacs; plaintive; expressing sorrow or lamentation; as, an elegiac lay; elegiac strains. ;; Used in elegies; as, elegiac verse; the elegiac distich or couplet, consisting of a dactylic hexameter and pentameter. ;; Elegiac verse.
Elegiacal : Elegiac.
Elegiast : One who composes elegies.
Elegies : of Elegy
Elegiographer : An elegist.
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