Vocabulary : Endazzle to Endeavorer

Endazzle : To dazzle.
Endear : To make dear or beloved. ;; To raise the price or cost of; to make costly or expensive.
Endeared : of Endear
Endearedly : With affection or endearment; dearly.
Endearedness : State of being endeared.
Endearing : of Endear ;; Making dear or beloved; causing love.
Endearment : The act of endearing or the state of being endeared; also, that which manifests, excites, or increases, affection.
Endeavor : To exert physical or intellectual strength for the attainment of; to use efforts to effect; to strive to achieve or reach; to try; to attempt. ;; To exert one's self; to work for a certain end. ;; An exertion of physical or intellectual strength toward the attainment of an object; a systematic or continuous attempt; an effort; a trial.
Endeavored : of Endeavor
Endeavorer : One who makes an effort or attempt.
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