Vocabulary : Endemic to Endermic

Endemic : Alt. of Endemical ;; An endemic disease. ;; Belonging or native to a particular people or country; native as distinguished from introduced or naturalized; hence, regularly or ordinarily occurring in a given region; local; as, a plant endemic in Australia; -- often distinguished from exotic.
Endemical : Peculiar to a district or particular locality, or class of persons; as, an endemic disease.
Endemically : In an endemic manner.
Endemiology : The science which treats of endemic affections.
Endenization : The act of naturalizing.
Endenize : To endenizen.
Endenizen : To admit to the privileges of a denizen; to naturalize.
Ender : One who, or that which, makes an end of something; as, the ender of my life.
Endermatic : Endermic.
Endermic : Acting through the skin, or by direct application to the skin.
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