Vocabulary : Enfeoffment to Enfilading

Enfeoffment : The act of enfeoffing. ;; The instrument or deed by which one is invested with the fee of an estate.
Enfester : To fester.
Enfetter : To bind in fetters; to enchain.
Enfever : To excite fever in.
Enfierce : To make fierce.
Enfierced : of Enfierce
Enfiercing : of Enfierce
Enfilade : A line or straight passage, or the position of that which lies in a straight line. ;; A firing in the direction of the length of a trench, or a line of parapet or troops, etc.; a raking fire. ;; To pierce, scour, or rake with shot in the direction of the length of, as a work, or a line of troops.
Enfiladed : of Enfilade
Enfilading : of Enfilade
Next : Enfiled, Enfire, Enflesh, Enfleurage, Enflower, Enflowered, Enflowering, Enfold, Enfoldment, Enforce
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